To be in Kamchatka, and not climb volcanoes - it's a shame shame shame and step march to fix! Especially since some jeep access is only open for 3-4 weeks in August, the rest of the time there is either snow or rivers-lakes from the melting of this snow. One of such volcanoes is the active volcano Mutnovsky, which last erupted relatively recently, in 2000. Now in the crater you can observe and smell high-temperature fumaroles (this is when steam from under the ground with a temperature of 150-300 degrees Celsius). In a word must see!

001 - In the distance, you can see the Viluchinsky volcano.

002 - Somewhere way over there is our destination.
There are 6 meter poles sticking out along the road, which in winter are snowed in almost completely o_O

003 - The flattest place in Kamchatka 🙂.

004 - A crab-like snowdrift.

005 - There are flowers, so there will be berries too.

006 - Martian chronicles.

007 - And here are the berries.
the berry is strange, looks and tastes like cranberries, but it’s blue.

008 - On particularly steep sections, cars wait until everyone makes it up.
we in our tank just drove next to each other off-road and didn’t wait for anyone.

009 - In the crevice - a waterfall.

010 - Only on such a tank can you get here.

011 - All the colors of volcanic dust.

012 - From here, on foot.

013 - A strange little rock.

014 - A well-trodden path will always remain 🙂.

015 - The horizon isn’t tilted!

016 - Looks like we didn’t forget anyone.

017 - Forward! Across the crawling glacier.

018 - The glacier crawls, squeezing out mud from underneath.

019 - The melting looks beautiful.

020 - The closer to the crater, the more sulfur traces.

021 - Sulfur deposits.

022 - Here it is—the volcano’s crater.

023 - Fumaroles—the volcano’s breathing vents.


025 - A healthy fumarole and a smoker’s fumarole 🙂.

026 - We didn’t catch the big bubble, but judging by the shores, sometimes it shoots hard.


028 - Lots of colorful rocks.

029 - Something else is boiling and bubbling.
… and it stinks, and there’s often a cloud of acid in the air and it stings my eyes O_-


031 - Sulfur crystals grow right before your eyes.

032 - Mica crystals, you can collect handfuls.


034 - An eternal snowdrift.